Ashley Pozdolski

Quantum Healer, Coach & Hypnotist

Hello friends!! My name is Ashley and I look forward to being your guide in hypnosis and healing! 

A little about myself: I am a proud mom of 2 wonderful kiddos, an animal mom of a Siberian Husky and a chubby kitty, and the soon-to-be wife of a wonderful man! 

I was catapulted into spirituality through very unexpected circumstances and Quantum Healing Hypnosis has been an amazing tool to “figure things out”, both as a client and a practitioner! I never would have been able to understand myself or the world around me and beyond without it! Through a Quantum Hypnosis session I discovered my parallel self and I am still working on connecting with them on a more regular basis.

My awakening journey started with a small “knowing” and nagging feeling that has been in the back of my mind ever since I could remember. I never quite fit in and I knew I was different. Even as a small child, I just wanted to spread love and light and to be friends with everyone. I just could not understand why people were just so mean and cruel. As I got older, I just accepted the world and the people in it for what it was and who they were. It wasn’t until recently in my adulthood (with the prompting of the Covid pandemic) when these feelings came to a head and I just felt done dealing with the world. I had a nice job where I was able to work from home and pretty much just closed myself off from the world, with the exception of  the few people who were close to me. Then I found myself being “dragged” to a local metaphysical wellness and psychic fair and my world was blown wide open. After attending the fair and A LOT of researching, I found Monet’s podcast and I finally felt like I found my people, my purpose and my home. 

I want to welcome YOU home now too, as I am positive you will find everything you have been looking and yearning for! You can read more about my personal story on my website. I cannot WAIT to help you discover your past lives, parallel lives or otherwise and guide you through the healing that that discovery will bring you! 

As a client and practitioner of Quantum Hypnosis, I am able to guide you with comfort, ease, patience and support through the discovery of a lifetime. Quantum Hypnosis is an amazing tool that can help you discover your soul’s incarnations, past, parallel or future; help you determine why you have specific fears, your galactic lineage, discover and connect with you guides, your soul’s purpose in this lifetime as well as past lifetimes and SO much more. The journey of discovery is your’s to travel and I will be with you through the entire process! 

Let’s embark on this journey together!


  • Quantum Hypnosis Certification
  • Past Life Regression Therapy
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Spirit Crystal Certification
  • Certified Life Coach
  • Aromatherapist
  • Chakra Healer
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • Associate’s Degree in Criminal Psychology and Criminal Justice-Corrections

Services Offered:

All sessions are conducted via Zoom, and the link to my scheduling page can be found below. Payment accepted at time of Consultation booking. Alternate appointment times are possible and based on availability. Feel free to ask!

  1. Galactic Card Reading - 1 hr - $50- 60-minute session where we can explore any questions you may have about yourself, your galactic lineage, your journey, soul's purpose etc.

  2. Single Quantum Hypnosis Session - $350 - payment includes the initial consultation session, the actual hypnosis session and a debriefing session that is held after the hypnosis session. 

  3. Quantum Hypnosis Package - $1500 - This package is for those who have a knowing that their journey will require more than one session. It is a month-long package where we can dive into as many hypnosis sessions as is needed within a one- month period. The first week, we will have a consultation to explore the current path you are on and where you would like to be. We will set an intention for your first session, and take time to form questions regarding what you'd like to learn. From there, we will discuss, plan and schedule when your hypnosis sessions will take place as well as schedule processing/debriefing discussions in between as you begin to integrate the newfound knowledge into your life and your journey. 

Single sessions and packages can be re-upped as many times as you wish!

How to Book with me:

Visit my website to see other services I offer besides the ones listed above, to get to know more about me and my story and have “frequently asked questions” answered! 

Click here to go to my website:

 Or click the button below to go straight to my scheduling page: 

Book Here



Facebook: Inner Sight LLC

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 *While the Practitioners listed on the website are carefully selected by The Starseed Awakener, they are not employees. By entering into contract with your practitioner, you do so at your own risk. The Practitioners are responsible for the means and methods for providing services within the scope of their practice.