Beck Dugan
Quantum Hypnosis Guide

Hello Earth friends! My name is Beck. I am your Quantum Hypnosis Guide. I am a mom to two human kiddos, two furry friends, and share life experience with a very loving and supportive life partner.
I am a first time human in this incarnation, with connections to a collective of 12 consciousnesses from a higher realm. I am working daily on connecting with them, and receiving messages and insight from them. The last relationship and discovery is all thanks to Quantum Hypnosis. Through my training as I was being guided, a connection to my loving team of the 12 was made, and I am so very thankful.
My journey and awakening started with a small knowing light deep inside my soul that needed my time and patients to help nurture in its remembering. Just as you might have. When I was able to face fear of the unknown, doors were opened, and insight was there for me to see in a way that I was unable to see before. Though finding this modality I was able to take my devoted spiritual practice to a deeper connection with my spirit team. Now I am an avid believer of the Quantum Hypnosis process, for I too am evolving in my human journey and experience with this modality.
My first hand experience allows me to guide you with the most comfort, patients, and support that you will need for your soul’s discovery. I am here to help guide you on your search for that more that you know is there. The tingly knowing that has you eager to know more about your soul’s incarnations, past, parallel or future. What are the questions that you may have for your higher self that keep you wanting to know more? Quantum Hypnosis can help with questions like: Who are my guides? Why do I carry these specific fears? Is this career path the right fit for me? What is my galactic heritage? What does the human evolution have to do with me? These things we work closely with. These things are waiting for you to connect to, to hold space for, to have a better understanding around. The journey and discovery is yours to unfold. I had these questions too. I am here for you though the process. Your joy, and growth is important to me. Let's evolve together.
- Quantum Hypnosis Certification
Services Offered:
- Quantum Hypnosis sessions ($333)
- Galactic Heritage Card Readings ($111)
- Galactic Heritage Card Readings ($111)
- Tarot Readings ($50)
How to Book with me:
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