The Starseed Awakening Podcast

The Starseed Awakening Podcast

Hosted by: Monet

The prequel to "The Starseed AWAKENED Podcast," this is a journey of a human discovering that she is much, much more than human. Monet's awakening journey was anything but ordinary. Listen in as she discovered (in...

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UPDATE: The Shift is Complete. The "New Earth" is Now. Gaia & Humanity are Free.

The title says it all. The mission is complete. It's time for truth.  Summary In this conversation, Monet discusses her experiences and insights regarding the transformation of Earth and the role of galactic beings in...
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The Journey Continues...Awakening The Crystal Children & Future Crystal Earth

In this episode, Monet discusses her personal transformation and the collective awakening of star seeds, emphasizing the importance of the Earth Grid and the role of crystal children in this process. She shares...
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ECLIPSE: A New Era for the Starseed Project, Gaia, & Monet/Markara

In this surprise episode, Monet and Markara (the Lyran being that she channels) send out the call to the starseeds who were involved in Ancient Earth to participate in a collective prayer to Gaia, marking the next...
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Post Script: Lions Gate Portal, My Highest Timeline, & The Activation

In this special one-off episode, I unpack major new realizations and developments both in my personal and galactic life. If this is your first experience listening to my podcast, you might be a little lost! I can...
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Epilogue/Prologue - New to the Podcast? Start Here

New to Monet's world? START WITH THIS EPISODE We begin at the close... This episode will help orient you before you embark on this podcast journey. Even though the podcast is over, the journey has just begun. If you...
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114. Conclusion Pt. 2 - Graduation

In this final chapter of our journey, we get to tie everything together to move forward to the next chapter. Thank you to everyone - all my clients and students - who assisted in my journey. Stay tuned for the release...
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113. Conclusion Pt. 1 - Atlantis According to Markara

In Part 1 of the final podcast episode, Markara has the opportunity to bring things full circle once again and share what happened when Atlantis was destroyed - this time from her perspective. This helps us to...
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112. Memories Recovered - My Early Life as a Hybrid

In this big beefy episode, I share the hypnosis session where I was able to recover some initial memories from my in-person contact experiences as a hybrid child. We truly come full circle when it comes to how these...
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111. The Episode that Will Have to Wait Until Next Week

I was about to publish the podcast episode for this week (where I share the hypnosis session with my initial in-person contact experiences that I've had in this lifetime) when I received some information that...
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110. Coming Full Circle - What Markara was doing in Egypt

In this episode, it's finally time to understand the question that I've been dying to know the answer to for so long...what was Markara (my parallel Lyran incarnation) up to in Egypt?? Well now we have the answer, and...
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109. Into the Wormhole - Meet My Future Incarnation

In this episode, we get to hear the quantum hypnosis session where I get a a look into the life of the being who has been guiding me (and so many of you to me!) over the past few years. I also go into a deep dive on...
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108. Putting the Puzzle Together - The Council & My Future Incarnation

In this episode, I begin to bring everything full circle. I share a bit about who the council is who has been sending people to my podcast and to me, as well as a peak into who the "future" incarnation of myself...
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