About Monet
From Homesick to Cosmic Homecoming
My journey is a reminder that no matter how lost you may feel, the connection to your star family is already within, and they have been patiently waiting to lead you to your highest path.
As you read my story, I hope it inspires you to welcome your weaknesses as portals to your gifts from the stars, and your pain as a bridge to your vast inner strength and power.
Early Life
Sensitivity and Struggle
As a child, I was deeply intuitive and connected to the world in ways that felt simultaneously magical and overwhelming. Music was like an intuitive language to me—I could channel the feelings I didn’t have words for into song. The ocean felt like an old friend, holding a wisdom that I somehow already understood, and I spent countless hours in the waves in my sleepy little beach town, letting her vastness hold me.
But even with these connections, I felt like I didn’t belong. The world around me was too loud, too harsh, too disconnected. I couldn’t understand how humans could treat the planet, animals, and each other with such cruelty. The weight of the pain that I witnessed in the world around me was crushing, and I felt so powerless and small with no way to affect change.
At age six, I found a safe haven for my spirit in the local non-sectarian meditation temple, where for many years I studied the eastern principles of reincarnation, third-eye activation, and self-realization, under the lessons of Paramahansa Yoganada. These teachings became my spiritual anchor, keeping me connected to my soul when I was often so sad and scared.
My connection to the natural world and the universe was effortless, but people? That was harder. I tried to fit in, to relate to others the way I saw people around me do so easily, but no matter how much I tried, I felt like an alien in a sea of humans. I often wondered if this planet wasn’t meant for me—or if I wasn’t meant for it, with no context to understand my pain.
Searching for Belonging
As I grew older, I tried to suppress my sensitivity. I thought that if I could just be less sensitive, less different, I might finally feel like I belonged in the human world. But shutting down my heart didn’t make me feel more “normal.” It only made me feel more alone.
At the same time, I carried abilities that I didn’t yet understand. I attracted spirits and energies, without understanding how to create boundaries. I often unconsciously astral traveled in sleep to visit other people and places, receiving prophetic messages through my dreams. But sharing these experiences was often met with skeptical looks from my peers.
I also carried a deep well of repressed memories from throughout my life of contact with both benevolent and malevolent star beings, the echos of which felt too vivid to dismiss. I didn't know how to access these memories, so they bubbled up to the surface as recurring nightmares, nightly sleep paralysis episodes, and chronic physical pain. It was if I was being haunted by an unknown force that I couldn't see, so I did what most starseeds do and I attempted to become numb and dim my light.
During this confusing time where I felt so very adrift, my sole cosmic connection was through my voice. I threw myself into music via my busy and exciting career as a professional singer. I had always been told that my voice was a powerful and magnetic gift, but I did not realize that it was my personal portal to channel transmutational frequencies from higher realms to those in my presence in need of healing.
A Healer Awakens
The birth of my children became the most profound catalyst for earthshaking change in my life. Their conscious arrival earthside cracked open my world in the best possible way, shaking me free from my soul-crushing day job in the tech industry. I left behind a career that felt soulless and embarked on a new path as a birth doula.
I learned how to both hold and create space, devouring wisdom preserved by elder birthkeepers about the nearly lost art and science of sacred birth, helping my clients learn to co-create with their baby as a sentient soul who chose them for a reason. I specialized in empowering mothers to shift their brainwave states for gentle, low-intervention birth following the feminine principle of "balance before force."
This work was deeply fulfilling, but it also became a mirror for my own healing. As I nurtured both my children and other mothers, I found myself nurturing parts of me that I had neglected for years. The love and responsibility of motherhood invited me to step into a new role—one that was deeply aligned with my soul’s purpose.
I then transitioned from being a doula to becoming a quantum healer. This new role allowed me to channel my experiences, pain, and growth into helping others remember their own inner light, bringing the ancient wisdom from the birth world along with me.

Coming Home
A Starseed Awakens
I was guided to learn regressive hypnosis as a modality in my healing practice, which led me to the shock of a lifetime. I began to recover vivid memories of past lives intertwined with major events in galactic history. These often heartbreaking memories felt like pieces of a puzzle, revealing my overt participation in moments that shaped the fabric of the cosmos.
At first, these memories were bewildering, sending me on a quest to understand why I was being shown these visions and what purpose they served in my current life.
I learned that each memory holds a key, not only to my personal story but to the collective awakening happening on Earth. Understanding these memories has helped me step into my role as a bridge between the wisdom of the stars and the needs of humanity today. They remind me that our origins are vast and cosmic, and our purpose here is far greater than we realize.
This journey of awakening has been one of profound healing, courage, and surrender. It has taught me that my deep homesickness was a signpost pointing me toward my true purpose in this lifetime. Today, I embrace my identity a starseed, hybrid, and interdimensional channel as a source of strength and guidance, helping others remember their own celestial origins.
Bridging Realms
My Channeling Journey
One of the most transformative moments in my journey was when my consciousness linked with Markara, a Lyran incarnation of myself who has dedicated much of her life to The Earth Project, during a hypnosis session.
I learned that she and the beings of The Starseed Project, who reside on a ship just outside of Earth's orbit, had been quietly guiding and protecting me until the timing was right for my channeling abilities to emerge. As my channel widened and my connection to these beings strengthened, they truly became my family off of Earth.
This connection felt like coming home. Through Markara, I’ve been able to establish open contact with the beings who have been guiding and nurturing this planet from afar since the dawn of humankind.

Who is Markara?
A Guardian of the Royal Lyran Lineage
Embodying the wisdom and strength of the ancient Lyrans through her leadership, grace, and teachings of cosmic harmony.
A Keeper of the Violet Flame
Carrying forward the ancient art of magic and alchemy as High Priestess, channeling the flame's transmutational energy through me for healing both individuals and energy grids.
A Cosmic Architect from Ancient Earth
Working directly with civilizations like Atlantis, Lemuria, and early Egypt to align the Earth’s energy systems with the greater cosmic network.
A Galactic Leader for the Good of All
As a respected member of the Galactic Federation, an interstellar alliance working for the harmony and evolution of civilizations across the cosmos, she continues to play a key role in the Starseed Project
A Master of Crystal Technology
Blending ancient frequencies and harmonics to help starseeds tap into their crystalline codes within through me.
A Teacher for This Time
Markara channels her wisdom and guidance through my voice to help both starseeds and humanity as a species across this pivotal consciousness threshold that we're experiencing on this planet.
Markara's energy weaves through everything I offer, creating a bridge between ancient wisdom and the human awakening that’s unfolding currently on this planet. Her connection to the Galactic Federation and her dedication to The Starseed Project ensures that the work we do together is aligned with the highest good of all.
You are here not by chance but by choice—a starseed carrying codes from countless lifetimes. Your purpose is not to fix the world, but to remember who you are, and through that remembrance, inspire others to awaken their own souls.
Your Journey Mirrors Mine
If my story echos like yours, it’s because we are reflections of each other.
Maybe you’ve felt disconnected from the world or struggled to relate to others. Maybe you’ve tried to shut down the parts of yourself that felt too sensitive, too different, or too much. Or maybe you’ve had flashes of other lives—working with crystals, connecting to the cosmos, or being part of something greater than yourself.
I want you to know this... You are not broken. You are gifted, sensitive, and strong.
You are here to remember the magic within you, to embrace the gifts you’ve carried across lifetimes, and to step into the purpose that has been waiting for you.
This is your time to awaken, to align, and to step into the magic of your soul.
Are You Ready to Remember?
This is your invitation to awaken your memories from the stars, to soothe your homesickness, and to learn the cosmic truth of who you are and why you're here.

Markara's School of Celestial Alchemy
Join a sacred space for starseeds, offering exclusive lessons and support to guide you gently on your awakening path.
Coming Soon